Everyone Health #WalkthisMay Staff Arrive in Bristol

During May, which marks National Walking Month, a host of Everyone Health employees are virtually walking our way across England and to each of our contract areas which we’ve worked out to be a hefty 2498.2 miles – though we think we’re more than capable of getting there!

Since 1st May, we’ve built up some serious mileage of 630.527 miles which has seen us arrive in Staffordshire, Knowsley, Warwickshire and our latest destination of Bristol – home to some of Banksy’s most iconic artwork pieces, including the famous The Girl With The Pierced Eardrum which we paid a visit to, and also our Stop Smoking Support service.

We’re seriously lucky to have some athletes amongst our team who are currently training for half marathons, and some who just run half marathons for a spot of fun on a random Sunday (can you believe that!), which has certainly helped that number go up.

Pictured top: Fitter Futures Warwickshire team clocking up some mileage on the treadmills.

Pictured bottom: Ann, Physical Activity Specialist, running the Mow Cop Killer Mile race.

Some of us have chosen to take a more simpler approach to get our steps in and have enjoyed leisurely walks – accompanied by our furry friends of course, as we appreciate our surroundings and sights around us. And we have certainly had some sights!

Our staff have bumped in to everything from cows, beaches, to even an err, abandoned military vehicle on our strolls – a real mixed bag if we say so ourselves!

One of the biggest things this challenge has taught us so far is how walking is massively underrated and is undeniably one of the best, no-fuss ways to get active. It’s completely free, accessible and a bit of ‘you time’ which allows you to escape the stresses of life – even if it’s just for 10 minutes, which is paramount to your mental health and wellbeing. Whether you enjoy a leisurely, brisk, power walk or even a run, all methods can make such a difference to your health and wellbeing and count towards the NHS recommended amount of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a week.

When in doubt, get your best walking shoes on and go for a walk/run – that’s our new motto.

Speaking of walking shoes, I have just been reminded that we still have 11 stops to go until we finish so I best get my shoes on and get those steps in.

Devon, we’re coming for you!

P.S. if you haven’t already, block out some time to go for a walk today – you’ll be amazed at how refreshed and productive you feel afterwards. Test it out if you don’t believe us 😉

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