Breastfeeding Buddy Turns Rainbow for Pride Month

A picture of knitted breasts in rainbow colours.

Our Breastfeeding Peer Support service, Breastfeeding Buddy, is marking Pride Month with these rainbow knitted breasts.

These knitted breasts – which make regular appearances with our Buddies and parents of Breastfeeding Buddies – make for the perfect props for demonstrating effective latching and positioning for new parents who are breastfeeding.

We’d like to say a big thank you to Stephanie and her mum Pat for knitting these brilliant breasts for our Buddies at our Breastfeeding Peer Support Service.

If you happen to have some spare yarn lying around – why not get knitting some breasts to help support breastfeeding parents?

Our Breastfeeding Peer Support Service is here to provide support, encouragement and information to new parents and parents-to-be in Knowsley.

Contact us at 0333 005 0095 or drop us a message on Breastfeeding Buddy to find out more about how we can help you or if you’d like to become a Buddy! We serve all families inclusively and with respect.

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