Everyone Health Staff complete the #WalkThisMay Challenge.

The EH staff deserve a huge round of applause after completing an amazing total of 2606 miles during the #WalkThisMay challenge for National Walking Month. We reached all the hotspots on our virtual tour within the month, and surpassed the target mileage which was 2498 miles. Great job team!

The team took some amazing pictures of themselves on their walking journeys and the scenic views they got to witness, whilst getting in the steps to improve their health.

Walking is a completely free, accessible and easy activity that we can all enjoy and reap its benefits. If you’re wanting to make some healthy lifestyle changes, walking can be a great starting point.

Whatever reason you have for moving more; from curbing smoking cravings to weight loss, we can help you. Give us a call on 0333 005 0095 to find out more about the FREE healthy lifestyle services we offer across England.

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