Patient Success Story

We’d like to share an amazing story with you from one of our participants! This lovely man has been working with our PCN Health & Wellbeing Coach Ryan over the past year on improving his fitness levels. He started with goals to get him into the gym, then progressed into refining his workout plan, using

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Pier Walk

This Tuesday the pier walk group at Southend-on-Sea went the extra mile (well…maybe the extra 100 yards…) and went all the way to the bell at the end of the pier! Then they popped into the RNLI shop to see the lifeboats! We really do have the best time on our pier walks and we’d

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Indirock is open!

Our indirock_ Adult Weight Management programme has come to an end, with our last session being yesterday evening. We’d like to say a HUGE congratulations to everyone who attended! You’ve all made so much progress and it’s been wonderful to see! Well done to each and every one of you! Our new programme starts 20th

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