Ready for a workout that involves nothing but you and your sofa? Try our sofa exercise plan to keep healthy whilst indoors. This means no equipment is necessary except for a chair, meaning that you can work out whilst watching TV. Note: If you are struggling with any of these exercises, try reducing the amount
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Health Benefits of Walking
Walking is great! It is free, no equipment is needed, it is good for the body and mind, and, with doctors advising at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day, it is one of the easiest activities to add into everyday life. If you are thinking of getting more active, here are the
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Sit less and move more – Disney Dance alongs
We all know that we need to move more and to help us do just that the This Girl Can campaign from Sport England has partnered with Disney and real families to create a series of Disney Dance Alongs. Snow White is now 83 years old, so don’t worry about your age, follow along or
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