Graphic with a rainbow background and heart with text that reads 'Pride... it's in our Heart'.

The History of Pride

It’s time to talk about Pride. The 1969 Stonewall Riots sparked the catalyst for change and is said to mark the beginning of LGBTQ+ movement and Pride celebrations in the UK and around the world today. At the very forefront of the movement was Storme DeLaverie and Marsha P. Johnson who are the reason so

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Do you have diabetes? Aged 40 – 74? Get a Free NHS Health Check and find out

It’s Diabetes Week, and there are over 4 million people living with diabetes, both Type 1 and 2 in the UK currently. However, a report by Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation has estimated that there are 500,000 people in the UK unaware that they have the condition. Could you be one of them? If you

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Diabetes Week 2023 – Because you are so much more than your numbers

This week as we mark Diabetes Week, we want to celebrate what makes you, you. If you or any of your family has been diagnosed with Type 1 or 2 Diabetes you will be more than familiar with the ongoing ritual of blood sugar measuring, carb counting, HbA1c, blood pressure; the hospital appointments, the never-ending

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Mental Health and Pride

This Pride Month, we’re sharing valuable resources and information across our platforms to help build a safer and more inclusive future for LGBTQ+ communities. Today, we’re shedding the light on LGBTQ+ mental health and how LGBTQ+ communities can access mental health support. Mental health problems can affect any of us, but they’re more common in

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A picture of knitted breasts in rainbow colours.

Breastfeeding Buddy Turns Rainbow for Pride Month

Our Breastfeeding Peer Support service, Breastfeeding Buddy, is marking Pride Month with these rainbow knitted breasts. These knitted breasts – which make regular appearances with our Buddies and parents of Breastfeeding Buddies – make for the perfect props for demonstrating effective latching and positioning for new parents who are breastfeeding. We’d like to say a

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British Nutritional Foundation Healthy Eating Week – Shopping for less

This week celebrates Healthy Eating Week and with the cost of living on the rise, trying to make healthy changes to your diet and lifestyle can come with barriers, and healthy eating should be for everyone. Trying to buy the right foods to keep you healthy and full can be difficult, especially in todays climate,

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Everyone Health Staff complete the #WalkThisMay Challenge.

The EH staff deserve a huge round of applause after completing an amazing total of 2606 miles during the #WalkThisMay challenge for National Walking Month. We reached all the hotspots on our virtual tour within the month, and surpassed the target mileage which was 2498 miles. Great job team! The team took some amazing pictures

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