Healthy Workplaces
The Healthy Workplace service aims to help local employers improve the health and wellbeing of their employees. We know that people are our biggest asset and happy healthy people are more productive and take less time off sick. The last 12 months has been particularly challenging for us all, so we are here to help
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Healthy You
Health You is a free service for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough residents who are looking to make changes to their lifestyle. So, whether you want help to stop smoking, lead a more active lifestyle, lose some weight, or simply take advantage of the NHS Health Checks we offer, Healthy You – alongside Cambridgeshire County Council and
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Kickstart is a 12-week GP Exercise Referral service has been designed to help inactive people that are struggling with their mental and physical health. It does this by encouraging them to get more physically active both within the programme and beyond their participation and they are supported in taking more control over their own health.
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National Child Measurement Programme
The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) measures the height and weight of over one-million children aged 4-5 and 10-11 years each year in primary schools in England. The information is used by the NHS to plan and provide better health services for children. What happens in the child measurement programme? If you have a child
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NHS Health Checks
The NHS Health Check is a health check-up for adults in England aged 40 to 74. It’s designed to spot early signs of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes or dementia. As we get older, we have a higher risk of developing one of these conditions. An NHS Health Check helps find ways
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Physical Activity
We all need to sit less and move more and doing regular exercise is a fantastic way to lose weight and improve your overall health and wellbeing. We run weekly group exercise classes that are not only good for your fitness, but great fun too. Why get fit? Exercise has a huge range of benefits,
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Social Prescribing
Social prescribing connects you with local support and resources available within your community. It is a key component of the NHS Long Term Plan and enables local GPs and other local agencies to refer people to Social Prescribing Link Workers (SPLW) within Primary Care Networks (PCNs). Social prescribing is tailored to you and recognises that
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Stop Smoking
We all know that smoking is bad for your health and your pocket and we also know how difficult quitting smoking is, which is why we offer support to help you stop smoking once and for all. People who get help to quit and 4 times more likely to stop for good than people trying
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Stop Smoking In Pregnancy
We offer free stop smoking support for pregnant ladies and their partners or significant others, helping to create a safe, smoke-free home for all the family. Exposing your unborn baby to cigarette smoke can cause worrying complications throughout the pregnancy as well as for the baby, post-birth. These include: Premature birth Defects of the mouth
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Everyone Health delivers routine vision screening for children in school to identify any problems early on in their development. Vision continues to develop from birth to around 8 years of age. Children rarely complain of having poor vision and it can easily go unnoticed, especially if it only affects one eye. Reduced vision can have
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