Let’s beat the January Blues with these top tips on Food for Mood

There’s no denying it, January blues are well and truly upon us. Those dark and dreary nights alongside the sudden drop in temperature might seriously be impacting the way we feel. However, there is evidence to suggest that eating healthily during these times can help us feel more positive, remove that brain fog and help

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Everyone Health is now a Fostering Friendly Organisation

Everyone Health recognises and values the contribution that foster carers make to society and especially the lives of children in care. We understand that foster carers who do other work in addition to fostering, need some flexibility in their working arrangements in order to meet the needs of their fostered child. Everyone Health is committed

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Remembrance Day

Everyone Health wanted to again participate this year in Remembrance Day and offer the opportunity remember and reflect. In Staffordshire, our team all received a pack of poppies to plant in memory of those who gave their lives in World War One and those who have died since, on behalf of their County. We also

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Diwali Recipe

How to make Peanut Ladoo Peanut Lado make a great healthy and tasty alternative to the traditional Lado. Recipe: 1 cup or raw peanuts (provide a great source of plant-based source of protein and high in vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats) ¼ cup of Jaggery (is a great source of iron and a perfect natural

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Open water swimming – one way to increase mental and physical fitness

Looking for a new hobby and challenge for the summer holidays? Could wild swimming be for you? Open-water swimming can help improve your mood and sense of wellbeing and is often free. You do need to be a confident swimmer and in reasonable health. As a health trainer, I encourage my clients to create a

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How does reducing plastic improve our health?

So many people, including myself have been inspired to reduce their plastics after watching David Attenborough’s ‘Blue Planet’. The extent of problem can feel overwhelming at times but the global campaign, ‘Plastic Free July’, provides some fantastic resources and tips on how you can do you bit, from pledging to carry a re-useable coffee cup,

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